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0151 546 4220

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Benefits of LED Lighting

  • LED lighting could reduce lighting bills by up to 80%
  • Low maintenance – saving you £100’s each year on replacing lamps
  • Improved light quality, suitable for dimming and equipped where needed with sensors
  • Over 50,000 hours of life expectancy
  • Lower carbon emissions will reduce your carbon footprint
  • Full spectrum of coloured lighting available for custom requirements
  • Flexible installation times to suit you
  • Wide range of LED lighting products – all with a 5 year Guarantee

Frequently asked questions

How much will I save installing LED Lighting?

The amount you will save will vary depending on a few different factors. These include the difference in wattages between the installs, any new sensors to reduce the running times and also whether its possible to take out some existing fittings.

How long does it take for LED’s to pay for themselves?

The average LED installation will usually pay for itself via the energy savings in around 3 years. Although, depending on your existing system this can sometimes be as low as 1 year.

Will changing my lighting reduce my carbon usage?

Again, the amount your carbon usage will decrease will depend on the the reduction in kWh. As carbon tonnage is linked to the kWh usage then you would reduce the same percentage in carbon on your project.

Will my lighting be significantly increased?

In short, yes. LED lights significantly outperform their older counterparts in both lumen output, their CRI index scores and coverage in your premises. So much so in fact that it’s often possible to reduce the actual number of fittings on site.

How long are LED lights under warranty?

Depending on the manufacturer you will get somewhere between 3 and 10 year warranty. However, we try to ensure that any products we use come with at least 5 years warranty.

To save money on your energy costs talk to our team today. Call us on 0151 546 4220 or fill in our enquiry form below.

Energy Enquiry form

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