Workplace Admin

0151 546 4220

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We play an important role in society – we develop and deliver services and products that create a safe and better environment across the globe where people live, work and visit. To produce outstanding results we strive to ensure this attitude is reflected in our behaviour, policies and relationships.

Responsibility begins with our team

Our ability to develop the very best products depends on a team that is skilled, committed and able to question what is right for our customers. We believe in creating a workplace where people feel supported and able to further their abilities.

Given the environment we work in, The Abbey Group is meticulous when adhering to stringent professional and ethical standards. This is made clear to each and every member of the team and defines what our organisation represents.

A safe place to be

We are trying to make the world a safer place to be and that starts with our place of work. Yes, it’s a legal requirement, but is also an important and fundamental factor in creating a trusting environment. Our Health & Safety Policies support and promote a culture where employees are encouraged to raise any concerns they may have about workplace safety.

Putting clients at the centre of innovation

Innovation begins with listening to, and understanding the needs of, our clients. Each client’s problem is different so there are no fixed solutions. By building long lasting relationships with our customers we gain a better understanding which ultimately means we can protect your people and assets more effectively.

Contributing to the wider community

The Abbey Group is proud of its commitment to the communities in which we operate, and aim to make a strong and sustainable impact.

We actively encourage our employees to fund raise for charitable organisations and participate in voluntary programmes. This brings enormous benefits to the community at large and the employees.
Sponsoring schools fosters future learning and interest in engineering and employee initiatives have raised funds for charities hospices. We feel it important to support the young people and disadvantaged in our local community by forming effective partnerships which make the best use of our employee’s skills.

Reducing our impact on the environment

The Abbey Group has developed an environmental programme to address and control our energy and water efficiency, as well as reducing waste. Our product portfolio is subject to continuous review to make sure all our manufacturing processes adhere to the elimination of polluting chemicals; in line with European legislation.

Protecting Human Rights

The Abbey Group recognises that most governments have a responsibility to promote and protect human rights. We will work with governments and agencies to support and respect human rights within our sphere of influence.

We will not tolerate human rights abuses and will not engage or be complicit in any activity that solicits or encourages Human Rights abuse.

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